Penguatan Peran Posbindu Dalam Edukasi Lansia Sehat Di Satu Wilayah Kelurahan Kabupaten Bandung

  • Patonah Hasimun Universitas Bhakti Kencana


The increasing number of elderly population, especially in West Java, indicates the level of community welfare. But on the other hand, the risk factors for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) are increasing in the elderly, even during this pandemic, the elderly are the most susceptible to infection. The mortality rate for elderly people infected with Covid-19 is higher than young people because it is more likely to develop into a more severe disease. So that educational efforts are needed for the elderly to maintain health, especially during this pandemic, so that NCD is well controlled and prevents transmission of Covid-19 in these elderly. This activity aims to create a model for strengthening the role of Posbindu in Bandung regency in monitoring the health of the elderly. Activities are carried out using offline and online methods in providing education on health protocols and counseling on Non-Communicable Diseases monitoring. This activity was attended by elderly men and women as an initial activity during the pandemic. The activity was successfully carried out as a trigger to train Posbindu administrators in basic health examination skills for the elderly and was followed by the elderly in socializing health protocols for the prevention of Covid19.

Keywords: Posbindu, Geriatrics, Health, Pandemic Covid-19