Wisely and Appropriately Using E-Commerce in Purchasing Medicine

  • Supriyadi Supriyadi
  • Caka Kumara Vidya Dharma
  • Dessy Cristin Widayanti
  • Echa Malinda Naha Ndjurumbaha


The Postgraduate Pharmacy Study Program at Setia Budi University offers a course on Community Service with the aim of educating about the use of e-commerce in purchasing medication. The webinar "Wise and Proper Medicine Purchase Through E-Commerce" was conducted in response to the rampant online sales of medication that harm consumers. The sale of medication online is regulated by the BPOM based on Regulation Number 8 of 2020. This webinar highlights compliance with BPOM regulations and provides an understanding of the risks of illegal medication use. Speakers, Dr. Nunung Priyatni W. M.biomed and Mr. apt. Nurul Huda, S. Farm, discuss government policies, legality, and the risks of illegal medication use online. Active discussions enrich participants' understanding of online medication purchases. In conclusion, this webinar aims to increase awareness among the public and pharmacy practitioners about the wise use of e-commerce in purchasing medication, to achieve optimal effects for public health.

Keywords: BPOM regulation, Medication Risks, E-commerce Impact