Collaboration Webinar of Graduate Pharmacy Students Program with PC IAI Morowali District "Development of Natural Ingredient Drugs Based on Nano Technology and Natural Ingredient Drug Services in Pharmacies"

  • Ilham Kuncahyo
  • Chossy Fradine
  • Fajria Rezky Priyanti Amara Pagal
  • Noviana Kusumawati


Traditional medicine has become an integral part of public healthcare over its long history of use. Although globally recognized, traditional medicine requires further research to validate its safety and efficacy. Many medicinal plants have therapeutic potential in in vitro studies but do not yield the same results in in vivo studies due to various factors such as low bioavailability and degradation of active compounds. Therefore, more in-depth studies are needed to develop effective and safe natural medicine formulations. The provision of natural medicine services in pharmacies is also crucial in providing appropriate access and accurate information to the public. However, the lack of knowledge about traditional medicine among pharmacists poses challenges in delivering optimal services. In an effort to address this issue, a collaborative webinar involving pharmacy practitioners and community members was held. The results showed a significant improvement in participants' understanding of the development of natural medicine and services in pharmacies. Evaluation indicated participant satisfaction with the event, affirming the success of the activity in increasing awareness and knowledge of traditional medicine. Thus, this webinar activity makes a meaningful contribution to expanding awareness and knowledge of nano-based traditional medicine and natural medicine services in pharmacies.

Keywords: Traditional medicine, drug development, nano-technology