Community Service in the New Normal Era: Implementation of Real Work Lectures in East Java

  • Waluyo Budi Atmoko
  • Yayuk Tri Nopianti
  • Aprilia Nanda Reza
  • Elvinda Amalya Permata


Community Service Learning (CSL) is an essential program in higher education that combines the aspects of education, research, and community engagement. The objective of this program is to provide students with education and practical experience in community development outside the campus. This study aims to explore CSL activities conducted in East Java, particularly in the context of the New Normal Era. Through remote methods, various activities were carried out, including the creation of educational content about the New Normal, community service, distribution of vitamins and brochures, and the cultivation of medicinal plants within families. Collaboration between students, universities, and local communities is crucial for the success of these activities. The results indicate that CSL not only benefits the local community but also provides valuable experiences for students. Smooth implementation and good coordination between CSL participants and Field Supervisors are essential. Thus, CSL serves as a vital tool for applying knowledge to community development in the New Normal Era. The importance of these results lies in their positive contribution to the local community, strengthening the relationship between universities and communities, and providing valuable learning experiences for students. This activity reinforces the concept of community engagement in real contexts and supports recovery efforts during the pandemic.

Keywords: Community Engangement, New Normal era, East Java