Tekinfo: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri dan Informasi http://ejurnal.setiabudi.ac.id/ojs/index.php/tekinfo <p style="text-align: justify;"><span lang="en"><strong>Tekinfo ( Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri dan Informasi )</strong> merupakan jurnal yang dikelola oleh program studi S1 Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Setia Budi yang terbit setiap enam bulan sekali yaitu Bulan Mei dan Bulan November pada setiap tahunnya. Naskah yang kami terbitkan mencakup bidang ilmu Teknik Industri dan Teknologi Informasi. Kami terbuka bagi para pembaca dan peneliti untuk berkontribusi mengirimkan naskah penelitian yang mencakup bidang ilmu tersebut.<br></span></p> en-US jurnaltekinfo@gmail.com (Ida Giyanti) tekinfo@setiabudi.ac.id (Adhie) Tue, 14 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 The Selection of Organic Food Suppliers Using Analytic Network Process (ANP) http://ejurnal.setiabudi.ac.id/ojs/index.php/tekinfo/article/view/2028 <p><em>Supplier selection is one of the activities in the flow of supply chain and strategic decisions that can increase&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;the competitive advantages for the company. AF organic shop is a business engaged in the organic food industry. There are several problems related to supplier selection due to the less optimal performance of each supplier. This study employed Analytic Network Process (ANP) method and assisted with the Software Super Decisions in order to determine the primary criteria and sub-criteria in the process of supplier selection, adjusted to the requirements of AF by comparing various feedbacks regarding each supplier against the specified criteria to achieve company goals. The results revealed that the order of the essential criteria for AF’s suppliers &nbsp;sequentially are quality (0.417), price (0.360), service (0.159), and delivery (0,070). Meanwhile, the primarily subcriteria considered supplier selection was the conformity of products and specifications with the score 0.739. Quality criteria is the most important focus for AF since it committed to maintain the quality of organic food ingredients sold to consumers. Therefore, it indicated that the best supplier was WSM with the score 0.446.</em></p> Nur Izzaty, Alma Arif, Raihan Dara Lufika ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 http://ejurnal.setiabudi.ac.id/ojs/index.php/tekinfo/article/view/2028 Tue, 14 May 2024 11:39:37 +0000 Design and Construction of Oyster Mushroom Baglog Mixing Tool Using Design For Manufacturing & Assembling (DFMA) Method http://ejurnal.setiabudi.ac.id/ojs/index.php/tekinfo/article/view/2128 <p><em>This research was motivated by a need for more optimization in mixing and pouring baglog planting media into the plastic at Omah Jamur Ungaran. This mixing process has several drawbacks, such as baglog experiencing clumping, so sifting is needed. The pouring of baglog planting media is still done manually, pouring the mixing results into the soil and then putting it in plastic. It is feared that the pouring of baglog results into the ground has contaminated the place of pouring the results baglog mixing. They fear that the pouring baglog will result in the environment. There is contamination at the location of running the results of baglog mixing. This study aims to determine whether sifting and mixing can combine into one process and the method using Design for Manufacturing and Assembly methods. This study resulted in the design, calculations, and Static Stress Frame tests using the simulation feature of AutodeskFusion360, with a maximum capacity of 40kg, using a 1hp motor, rotation speed has 140 RPM. From study has the results, it was concluded this machine could produce results in 55 minutes, producing 150 Baglog, eliminating the sieving process installing an iron net with a size of 5mm, process mixing and pouring planting media baglog using the results of the machine design has made. Application of design for manufacturing and assembly method at design tool has simplified components of the previous machine into 12 parts at the machine has made<strong>.</strong><br> </em></p> Nur Islahudin, Ishar Udin Khoir ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 http://ejurnal.setiabudi.ac.id/ojs/index.php/tekinfo/article/view/2128 Tue, 14 May 2024 11:57:07 +0000 Mapping the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Product Design Methods: Literature Review http://ejurnal.setiabudi.ac.id/ojs/index.php/tekinfo/article/view/2277 <p><em>Identification of user needs and their conversion into product specifications is an important stage in the product design process. The large number of design methods currently available is a challenge for designers in choosing an effective and efficient design method. The aim of this literature review was to identify the use of product design methods between 2019-2023, mapped the effectiveness and efficiency of existing product design methods. Identification process used bibliometric analysis of articles in the SCOPUS database. VOSviewer software was used in the analysis process with co-occurence type and full-counting calculation methods. Effectiveness mapping was based on 7 criteria (E1 - E7) and efficiency based on 3 criteria (F1 - F3). The identification results show that the design methods that have been widely used in the last five years were value engineering, quality function deployment, user centered design, universal design, kansei engineering and TRIZ. The mapping results show that effective and efficient methods were QFD and value engineering. The effectiveness and efficiency of other methods were explained in more detail in this review.</em></p> Widyastuti Widyastuti, Erni Suparti, Alva Edy Tontowi ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 http://ejurnal.setiabudi.ac.id/ojs/index.php/tekinfo/article/view/2277 Tue, 14 May 2024 12:24:31 +0000 Quality Control Using Six Sigma Methods and Multivariate Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (MEWMA) on EQ Spacing Products at PT Sinar Semesta http://ejurnal.setiabudi.ac.id/ojs/index.php/tekinfo/article/view/2300 <p><em>In the production process of EQ Spacing products at PT Sinar Semesta, it was discovered that there were eight types of defects which resulted in product defects exceeding company standards. The aim of this research is to carry out a series of analyzes and actions focused on controlling product quality and identifying various aspects that require improvement during the production process. The types of defects with the highest percentage include uneven surfaces at 35.3%, porous at 24.9%, and chipped at 19.3%. Using the Multivariate Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (MEWMA) approach with a weight of 4.05, shifts were found in periods 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 of the MEWMA graph, with a DPMO value of 24268 and a sigma of 3.5. This analysis demonstrates that in order to prevent excessive defects, production process performance must be improved. PT Sinar Semesta must suggest modifications based on the 5W+1H approach in order to lower the quantity of flaws in bag products. The goal of this quality improvement is to get closer to zero defects and a very low failure rate. It is intended that by doing this, the final product will be superior and satisfy the company's quality requirements</em><strong><em>.</em></strong></p> Alvito Shultan Alfiansyah, Elly Wuryaningtyas Yunitasari, Kusmendar Kusmendar ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 http://ejurnal.setiabudi.ac.id/ojs/index.php/tekinfo/article/view/2300 Tue, 14 May 2024 12:35:42 +0000 Indirect Measurement of Existing Work Processes and Tempe Production Improvements using the Maynard Operation Sequence Technique Method http://ejurnal.setiabudi.ac.id/ojs/index.php/tekinfo/article/view/2371 <p><em>Time measurement is carried out to determine the length of time required for workers to complete the production process, starting from raw materials to finished goods. Due to the low production volumes, the Barokah Tegal Tempe Home Industry's tempeh production process is not producing optimal results, which prevents them from fulfilling customers’ demands. Limited production capabilities due to lengthy processing times. Extended processing durations may result from non-value-adding movements or activities, as well as manual labor techniques.</em> <em>The aim of this research is to examine the tempe production process,</em> <em>with a focus on the three primary work stations—the peeling, washing, and mixing operations.</em> <em>The method used is the Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST), where measurements are carried out on existing conditions and proposed work improvements. The research results show that the existing time measurement in the peeling process is 104,840 Time Measure Units (TMU), washing 316,020 TMU, and mixing 127,360 TMU.</em> <em>In order to reduce processing time, work tools should be able to do away with pointless movements.</em> <em>The proposed work improvement time for peeling process is 60,680 TMU, washing 93,800 TMU, and mixing 50,300 TMU. Calculations of the existing condition and proposed improvement can result in a 62% increase in working time efficiency.</em></p> Nia Yunita Listianingrum, Amalia Amalia, Arokib Darjat Saputra, Felix Christian Santoso ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 http://ejurnal.setiabudi.ac.id/ojs/index.php/tekinfo/article/view/2371 Tue, 28 May 2024 07:46:49 +0000 The Impact of the Pandemic on the Performance of Industrial Construction Projects in Indonesia http://ejurnal.setiabudi.ac.id/ojs/index.php/tekinfo/article/view/2389 <p><em>The Covid-19 outbreak has caused economic downturns and recession. In 2021, Covid-19 cases in Indonesia has a significant increase. The construction sector in Indonesia faced substantial challenges due to the pandemic, evidenced by contracted growth. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the construction industry cannot be viewed solely from an economic perspective but must consider various factors. Issues in the construction industry affect project performance. Previous research could not interpret the relationship between individual pandemic impacts and project performance levels. Therefore, this study aims to determine factors Covid-19 pandemic affects construction project performance in Indonesia. The study identifies five factors that may influence project performance: (1) challenges in implementing social distancing, (2) movement restrictions, (3) challenges of working from home (WFH), (4) planning for worker limitations, and (5) use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Data was collected using questionnaires distributed to project managers in the construction industry. Primary analysis was conducted using Partial Least Square (PLS). The results indicate that three variables significantly impact project performance in the construction industry. The level of movement restrictions during the pandemic (lockdown) and the planning for worker limitations negatively affect project performance, while movement restrictions positively affect the challenges of implementing social distancing.</em></p> Intan Permatasari, Iva Mindhayani ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 http://ejurnal.setiabudi.ac.id/ojs/index.php/tekinfo/article/view/2389 Tue, 28 May 2024 08:11:27 +0000 Implementation of Lean Manufacturing to Reduce Waste with Value Stream Mapping Method and Waste Assessment Model in Konveksi Warsito Home Industry http://ejurnal.setiabudi.ac.id/ojs/index.php/tekinfo/article/view/2410 <p><em>One of the home industry conventions warsito in the Pati area produces clothing products like pyjamas. This home industry is run by individuals or families on a small scale. Convex home industries often face the challenge of managing efficient production processes and meeting consumer expectations. Faced with such challenges, they often face problems of waste in the production process, such as excessive inventory, waiting times, unnecessary movements, and inefficient processes. Therefore, to eliminate such waste, the concept of lean manufacturing is needed.</em> <em>This research discusses waste reduction using the Value Stream Mapping (VSM) and Waste Assessment Model (WAM) methods.</em> <em>With this method, non-value added identification is produced through the process flow and the relationship of waste to each other.</em> <em>There are 2 largest wastes, namely waste defect and waste motion, which then require improvement proposals by analyzing the causes/root causes of the waste using a fishbone diagram.</em> <em>From this method, waste defect with a percentage of 20.452% and waste motion with a percentage of 16.16%. </em><em>The improvement proposal for dealing with waste defects is to apply the 5s principle, group materials by type and color, schedule machine maintenance. At waste motion it is recommended to set the work position, use aids such as jig, quality control of materials, set a sewing machine calibration schedule.</em></p> Rieska Ernawati, Nuzulia Khoiriyah, Nova Miranda, Nurul Istikomah, Bunga Zahrotun Na’imah, Fathur Eko Prasetyo Aditya ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 http://ejurnal.setiabudi.ac.id/ojs/index.php/tekinfo/article/view/2410 Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:42:55 +0000 Measuring Supply Chain Management Performance in Logistics Companies using the SCOR 11 Model http://ejurnal.setiabudi.ac.id/ojs/index.php/tekinfo/article/view/2372 <p>Business rivalry nowadays involves more than just one advantage of a good or service provided the owner of the good or service must also could enhance the advantages of the good or service itself. so that customers can get several benefits from a single good or service. Customers will begin to avoid similar items and services in favor of those made by businesses that can produce their goods with a multitude of advantages if a firm can accomplish this with quality that doesn't suffer. Companies that sell a variety of goods, one of which is in the logistics industry. The growth of e-commerce has raised this logistics company's value. If supply chain management is used in logistics organizations, it will be particularly relevant because there are numerous parties involved. PT. X is among the logistics firms having adopted supply chain management. As the logistics industry becomes more competitive, PT. X has also incorporated supply chain management. In order to evaluate PT Source's supply chain management performance, five criteria reliability, responsiveness, cost, agility and asset management along with make, delivery and return are taken into consideration. Reported to the testing results of this study, the reliability attribute's value at the process source is 100%, meaning it needs to be preserved. Subsequently, the attribute's value in the delivery process is 36.90%, and the attribute's response takes 9 days. The attribute fee is IDR 1,447,150,000.00 in the interim. Next, the asset management attribute is IDR 1,584,318,187.00, and the agility attribute is 3 days.</p> Muhammad Ave Sina ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 http://ejurnal.setiabudi.ac.id/ojs/index.php/tekinfo/article/view/2372 Thu, 20 Jun 2024 06:21:30 +0000