Peningkatan Kualitas, Pembuatan Selai Dan Biskuit Tepung Ubi Jalar Pada Kelompok Tani Mulyo Dusun Kramen Desa Pablengan Kecamatan Matesih Kabupaten Karanganyar
Matesih has a lot of sweet potates, especially during the great harvest time. The post-harvest treatment need to be done such as flour making and product diversification (bisucit and jam). The method used in this study is counseling, demonstrations, training and mentoring. The counseling was carried out through discussion through the whatsapp group with the Mulyo Farmer Group, considering the Covid-19 Pandemic. There were 19 members of the whatsapp group (who had cellphones), they were trainers to teach the rest who did not join the whatsapp group (did not have cellphones). Small groups of 4 were made consisting members whose house were close each other. Demonstrations and training were carried out by each group with the practice of making jam and biscuits made from sweet potato flour. They made based on the training videos, then uploaded their practice videos to the whatsapp group. The sweet potato biscuits and jam produced from the training were evaluated by external parties, including bakery owners, testers with a culinary background, and product display exhibitors for the 24th Anniversary of FMIPA UNS. The results of the evaluation were used to improve the sweet potato biscuit and jam made by the Foster Partners. Biscuit and jam that have been improved were helped to find the market places, including Fanny Bakery Palur, Roti Boy Jaten, Pasar Gede, and a Gethuk Semar gift shop, as well as the FMIPA UNS canteen. Furthermore, the group will be accompanied to register the PIRT permit before it is sold. The outputs that had been achieved based on this activity were articles publication, videos on how to make sweet potato jam and biscuits and videos of product exhibitions.