Teknologi Olahan Umbi Gadung Menjadi Keripik Gadung yang Awet, Bercita Rasa Dan Bernilai Ekonomis Tinggi di Industri Kecil Menengah
Produk Lokal: Umbi Gadung: Keripik Gadung: Pituruh
IKM Zoefa Snack was founded in 2017 and has 5 workers consisting of housewives in Dukuh Wetan Pituruh Purworejo, this IKM has a business and production activities for various processed snacks whose superior products are gadung tubers including various flavors of crackers and gadung chips. However, the marketing of this product is still limited to fulfill the markets of Purworejo and Yogyakarta Regencies. Some of the existing problems are non-uniform quality, no information on nutritional value and HCN levels, quality management and food safety have not been implemented and some products do not have PIRT and halal labels. Therefore, the processed gadung tuber product that is produced is carried out by efforts to improve processing, packaging, labeling and registration of PIRT and halal labels so that it will increase the economic value of the product and can be used as a business opportunity for partners. The processed gadung product that is transferred is the result of research by the Proposer Team that has carried out counseling, practice and production assistance. Partners are expected to increase the capacity of their products and products with better quality with attractive packaging and labels, have P.IRT and MUI halal labels so that they are more durable, have high selling value and have a wider marketing reach. The impact can further increase community income and popularize gadung chips as a superior product of Pituruh, a region rich in gadung tubers.