Influence Of Variation Levels Gelling Agent Againts Physical Properties And Antibacterial Efffect Of Hand Sanitizer Gel Bawang Dayak Extract

  • faizal Mustamin Politeknik Kaltara
  • Irma Novrianti


Currently, there are many alcohol-based hand sanitizers on the market. Alcohol-based products when used in the long term can cause irritation, so it is necessary to develop Handsanitizer preparations that use active substances other than alcohol. Onion Dayak (Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr.) is a typical Kalimantan plant that has antibacterial properties. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of variations in the concentration of gelling agent in the hand sanitizer gel preparation of Dayak onion extract on the physical properties and antibacterial effects of S. aureus and E. coli bacteria.

Gel Handsanitizer preparations were made using the gelling agent carbopol with 3 variations in concentration, namely FI (carbopol 0.3%), FII (carbopol 0.4%), and FIII (carbopol 0.5%). The finished preparation will be tested for physical properties such as organoleptic, pH, viscosity and homogeneity. To see the antibacterial effect of the hand sanitizer, Dayak onion extract was tested on S. aureus and E. Coli bacteria.

The hand sanitizer preparation of Dayak onion extract produced has a maroon color, has a distinctive odor, and is homogeneous. The results of the physical properties test showed that the viscosity and pH would increase with increasing gelling agent concentration, while the dispersion decreased with p < 0.05. The results of the test on S. aureus bacteria for FI, FII, FIII, and positive control showed a weak category, while the E. Coli bacteria showed a moderate category for FI, and a strong category for FII, FIII, and positive control with p value > 0, 05. The negative control did not form an inhibition zone. Variations in the concentration of geling agent (carbopol) had an effect on the physical properties of the hand sanitizer gel preparation of Dayak onion extract, but did not affect its effectiveness against S. aureus and E. coli bacteria.

Keywords: Bawang Dayak; hand sanitizer S. Aureus; E. coli


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