Journal Contact

Editor's Address:

Psychohumanika Journal

Faculty of Psychology, Setia Budi University, Surakarta

Jl. Letjend Sutoyo Mojosongo Surakarta 57127. Telephone (0271) 852518, Fax. (0271) 853275.

Pages / e-journals: Http://



Focus and Scope

First published in 2008. This journal is a scientific publication media for academics at the USB Psychology Faculty, as well as other experts interested in psychology. The articles published are the result of field research or laboratory, as well as scientific studies that have never been published.

Issue Frequency

Jurnak Psychohumanika from the eighth edition will be published in June and December. The author can send the manuscript at any time to e-mail: or submit to our page:

Submission of texts from January to April will be processed for publication in June and submission of texts from July to October will be processed for publication in December.

 Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access, which in principle makes research freely available to the public and will support global knowledge exchange. To be able to access all articles in this journal, please visit our page at

Manuscript Publication

Manuscripts that have been received by the editorial board will be published online at and will also be printed in hardcopy format and will be sent to the address of the researcher.