Several articles have been published with different types of themes.
The result of danger of the sanitary napkins through the personal yygiene teenage when the mind mentruation research is from 30 samples of teenage girls who have filled out questionnaires for attitude and action questions obtained data as follows: One, for attitude question, eighteen (60%) adolescent girls already have good attitude on personal hygiene at menstruation, while seven (23%) people on the criteria sufficient and the remaining five (17%) people are still lacking; Two, for action questions, eighteen (60%) adolescent girls already had a good attitude on personal hygiene at the time of menstruation, while seven (23%) people on the criteria sufficient and the remaining five (17%) people are still lacking (APIKES Citra Medika of Surakarta).
Research on most responder conduct food prohibition a number of 12 responder (60%), less than responder have an abnormal of process uteri involution a number of 8 people (40%). Result of test of Exact Fisher'S with SPSS got that smaller than tables of that is 0,028 < 0,050, its meaning there is food prohibition attitude relation with process of uteri involution. In this research indicate that most responder education of SD, do not work and represent mother of primipara so that not yet had knowledge and enough experience in the case of food prohibition culture at child bed mother (Academic Majapahit Health Analyst of Mojokerto.)