Several articles have been published with different types of themes.
Research on the calculation of leukocytes in Mice (Mus musculus) Inflammation of Carrageenan Induction with White Swallow Nest (Collocalifuciphaga) showed that oral EBN administration can significantly reduce (p <0.05) total leukocytes and differential leukocytes especially lymphocytes and neutrophils (Muhammadiyah University of Semarang).
Research on phytochemical compounds as antioxidants, namely the Antioxidant Activity Test of the Combination of Kersen Leaf Extract (Muntingiacalabura Linn.) And Soursop Leaf (Anonnamuricata Linn.) DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1- picrilhidrazyl) method where the results showed that the antioxidant combination activity kersen leaf extract and soursop leaves are very strong compared to the singular form of both. The combination of kersen leaf extract and 2: 1 soursop leaf extract has very strong antioxidant activity (Academic National Health Analyst of Surakarta).
Research on corn hair contains bioactive components of flavonoids, saponins, tannins, phlobatanin, phenol, alkaloids, and cardiac glycosides. These components are compounds found in corn hair extracts and contribute to the pharmaceutical field. most students already knew about Diabetes Mellitus and the benefits of corn hair tea which could be beneficial for health. and treat Diabtes Melitus. In addition to this it turns out that some students feel that there are real benefits from consuming corn hair for three days, which is a decrease in blood sugar levels, not fast drowsiness, no fatigue and frequent urination at night (APIKES Citra Medika of Surakarta).